Asset Equine & Ranch Insurance Agency

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P.O. Box 185 Pilot Point, Texas 76258

Asset Equine & Ranch Insurance Agency


What sets Asset Equine & Ranch Insurance Agency apart from the competition?

Our staff is well versed in all possible equine & farm coverage options so that they can advise clients on the best protection plan for their equine interests. As an independent agency we become aware of less advantageous conditions with one company (and help you move to another). Our staff must constantly educate themselves about the insurance industry, advances in veterinary medicine, the equine industry, and each company’s specific plan options.  The majority of our business comes to us to from our customer’s referrals and we are very proud of that!

We offer coverages for mortality, major medical/surgical, surgical only, liability, loss of use, or ASD (accident, sickness, and disease). Farm Coverage, equine Care Custody and Control, Trainers Liability, Farrier Liability, Club & Associations Liability, Vendor Liability, Auto Coverage including large trucks and trailers.

Which Mortality/ Major Medical policy is right for you?

With the recent changes in equine mortality polices you need guidance to interpret the many different coverage types. Exclusions and limitations for major medical selections have become much more difficult to compare and we can help guide you to the coverage that will benefit your needs.  We represent many carriers and have done extensive comparisons. Rate shopping is a thing of the past!  READ YOUR POLICY.

I own a horse what do I need to know regarding insurance?

If you own 1 horse or 50, it is highly recommended that you obtain a liability policy that provides coverage protecting your personal assets in the event of a law suit brought against you airing from the unique exposure associated with horse ownership. The two most common ways to obtain this coverage is through a personal horse liability policy or a farm/ranch policy that specifies off premises coverage.

Does My Homeowner Policy Cover My Equine Risk?

“I thought I was covered!” Big lawsuits– and lots of suffering! Sure, if a casual visitor gets injured at your home, then your homeowners’ insurance will probably protect you. But if you have any equine operations, you need a farm/ranch policy. Also note that most homeowner’s policies will not cover your equine exposure off premises regardless of if you own 1 or 50 horses.

What if I am caring for Horses Owned by Others?

If you board or care for animals and one of them gets hurt, for example; You’re training a $25,000 horse and then the horse gets hurt and needs to be euthanized.  Do you have a commercial liability policy that would cover the cost to replace the horse if you were negligent? Unless you also you carry an important coverage referred to in the insurance industry as “care, custody and control” insurance the answer would be “NO”. Property not owned by you but in your care, custody and control is excluded from the basic commercial liability policy. So you may be reaching into your own pocket to replace that $25,000 without “care, custody and control” insurance.

Do I need a Farm policy?

A farm insurance policy combines the standard coverage offered by a personal homeowner’s policy with commercial property and liability coverage. The benefit of a farm policy is that it can be customized to your needs even If you own 1 acre or 5000.   Ask yourself the following questions; are there more than two or three acres that need coverage, is your property located within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant? Are there additional structures other than a pool house and a garage? Do you have a stable, equipment building or hay barn? What kind of animals are on the property and to whom do they belong? How many horses are there? Are you accepting money or trading services for friends to keep horses on the property? Even if just a few neighbors are boarding horses at your facility that creates a business exposure. If you have more than one or two personal horses, a homeowner’s policy usually is not adequate. Who is working on the property? Is there only an inside domestic or are there people taking care of the horses, other livestock, land and building maintenance? In some states if you need a commercial farm policy a workers' compensation policy may be required if there are more than two agricultural workers.